Corporeal Authority Taskforce : A Corporate Cat Dystopia

Corporeal Authority Taskforce : A Corporate Cat Dystopia

Running Conversations 

8 Feb 2023

7 Feb 2023

Fake Space News

Generated via DreamStudio.AI
Generated via DreamStudio.AI

The following is an experiment using CB.GPT:

Based on this article, I wrote a small scenario and then asked CB.GPT to add to it. 




Fake Space News

The Wayfarer Probe, once it reached deep space, began sending back odd messages. The Further it got from Earth, the stranger the readings. 

Dr. Steel was perplexed. "What do you think this means?" He half asked aloud.

"Do you think it's actual Data, or just an anomaly, or possibly instrument malfunction?" Alex, Steels lab assistant, asked.

"I don't think it matters," Replied Dr. Steel. "Look at the news."

Alex turned to look through the lab window at the television screen mounted in the breakroom. Senator Vanger was pictured behind a podium. Although Alex couldn't hear the speech, the chyron scrolling at the bottom of the screen read: "NASA spreading Fake News."

"This is a brewing shit-storm," Steel said.




"And it's going to get worse before it gets better," Alex added. "We need to find a way to prove that these readings are real, and not just some sort of hoax or government cover-up."

The two scientists huddled over their data, frantically trying to find some sort of pattern in the strange readings. Meanwhile, the media frenzy surrounding the Wayfarer Probe and its strange messages continued to escalate. Conspiracy theories ran rampant, and people all over the world were on edge.

Finally, after days of tireless work, Dr. Steel and Alex found what they were looking for. "Look here!" Steel cried, pointing at the screen. "There's a repeating sequence in the data, and it's not just random noise. This is definitely a signal."

The two scientists quickly went public with their findings, and the world was stunned. The strange messages from the Wayfarer Probe were indeed real, and they seemed to be coming from a distant alien civilization.

"This changes everything," Steel said, as he gazed out at the stars. "We're not alone in the universe, and now we have proof."

The discovery made headlines around the world and sparked a new era of exploration and discovery. The Wayfarer Probe had opened the door to the mysteries of the cosmos, and the human race would never be the same.

6 Feb 2023

8,000-year-old skull

Generated via DreamStudio.AI
Generated via DreamStudio.AI

The following is an experiment using CB.GPT:

Based on this article, I wrote a small scenario and then asked CB.GPT to add to it. 




8,000-year-old skull

Ann poured milk into her morning coffee and shuffled her panda slippers across the cold morning tile of the kitchen. It hadn't snowed yet, but everything outside was covered in a glowing layer of thin ice. The sun was starting to melt away the kaleidoscope of ice crystals that had formed on the windows overnight. As she opened the door to let the dogs out, she hear yelling coming from down by the creek. Curious, she stepped out of her slippers and into her big warm sorrel boots, clutched her robe, and grabber a hat off the hooks by the door.

As she made her way down the garden path, the crunch under her feet of the frozen leaves and remaining grass was loud enough so she couldn't make exactly make out what the men were saying. As she got closer, she saw Sheriff Barns, two men who she didn't know from the Roddy Dock and Pier Maintenance Company and Professor Mesa from River Falls College.

"What's all the commotion for so early," Ann called out. Sherriff Barns turned and began to walk slowly in her direction. "Morning, Ann,"" he said. "This area is going to have to be sealed off and I'm gonna need you to grab Rusty and Barney and keep them inside for a bit." He paused for a moment, looked back at the men standing at the point of her dock where the waterline meets the shore.

"They found something. A skull." Barns said.




Ann felt a chill run down her spine at the mention of the skull. She had never encountered anything like this before and wasn't sure how to react. "A skull?" she asked, trying to sound as composed as possible. "Yes," Sheriff Barns confirmed. "We're not sure yet whose it is, but we'll have to investigate the area and see if we can find any other clues."

Ann nodded, still in shock. "Okay," she said. "I'll keep the dogs inside. Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help."

Sheriff Barns thanked her and went back to his investigation. Ann made her way back to her house, her mind racing with thoughts about the skull and who it might belong to. She couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in the pit of her stomach.

As she sat back in her kitchen, sipping her coffee, she realized that this discovery was going to change her small town forever. It would be a long time before things returned to normal. But for now, she was just glad to be inside, where it was warm and safe, and where she could keep an eye on the investigation from a distance.

Billy Bob
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